Clinton Video

It has been said that people dislike HRC because she is a woman, etc.  I’ve always found this insulting, having been raised by a single mom who was smart, strong and capable of running a business quite well. I’m a fan of Margaret Thatcher. I would be happy to see a woman in the Oval Office.

Just not Hilary. 

I dislike her because I think she is deceptive. I also think she is short on true, creative ideas.  The “change” moniker, for example, showed up in New Hampshire after she was flattened by Obama who had been focusing on this theme from the beginning.  Furthermore, the “experience” thing is completely disingenuous.  White House furniture-picker is not experience.  Watching her husband weather Republican attacks is not “beating them”.  Nearly destroying American health care – her only real executive excperience – is rightfully quite distanced from her stump speech resume.

Ultimately, I believe Hilary Clinton is primarily motivated by power, and has been since before she married Bill.  I don’t want a control freak running the country, I want a public servant. Here’s a pretty good video that also makes my point:

Obama Bumper Sticker

I’ve hated watching politics as usual from the Clinton camp. In particular, her claim that she has experience because she nearly destroyed health care in America and chose the decor in the White House for 8 years. And anyway, some of the best presidents in history had little more experience than proverbially laying down their plow, serving their country for 4 or 8 years, and then going back to their simple life on the farm.

So, my response was to come up with a bumper sticker. You can buy one, here. They’re $3.50 (bulk pricing available). Here’s what it says:
